Are you losing up to a third of your heating?

As home insulation installers in Basingstoke and across Hampshire, we survey too many homes that are losing precious warmth due to the lack of insulation.

Some homes may have some loft insulation installed, but it may not meet today’s recommended standards. Many more properties we see are not insulated at all.

Protect your home from rising energy bills

Without professionally installed insulation, your home could be losing around a third of its heat through the walls, and up to a quarter through the loft or roof space1.

Insulating your home will protect you from rising energy bills, as well as improve the warmth and comfort of everyday life.

Insulation installers in Basingstoke you can trust

As one of the UK’s leading insulation installers, you can count on InstaGroup from survey to service. We’ve been saving energy for local homes for over 40 years, and our experience and knowledge will help find the best solution for your property.

We treat every home as unique, and our expert no-obligation home energy survey will ensure you get the best energy-saving recommendations.

Save every year on energy

Insulation can start saving you money on household bills as soon as it’s installed, and help keep bills down year after year.

Loft insulation – a simple and straightforward way to help save up to 25% of home heat.

Cavity Wall insulationcut wasted energy by up to 33% and enjoy lower energy bills.

Solid Wall insulationstop up to 33% of heating escaping year after year.

Insulation grants and funding in Basingstoke

InstaGroup is approved to access grants and funding on behalf of eligible customers*. This could cover the cost of installing a range of home energy saving improvements.

If you qualify for the ECO scheme or any other Local Authority grant we can let you know, and will help you to apply. Get in touch to find out more.

Home insulation in Basingstoke from the experts

We know that it can take more than insulation to make a house truly energy efficient. That’s why we can offer a ‘whole home’ solution that can include new windows, new doors and upgrading heating systems. We are also accredited to install solar power.

All InstaGroup installations are carried out by qualified technicians using accredited materials, and we offer a 25-year guarantee for workmanship when we install insulation.

See what many satisfied customers say about InstaGroup.

If you’re looking for recommended insulation installers in Basingstoke, get in touch to find out how we could help save energy in your home. Or call the friendly team at InstaGroup on 0118 932 8811.